AFTER JULY 15, 2024

250 €
DELEGATE (as SDRM member) if you want to pay your sdrm annual subscription)
Online Registration fee includes:
- Scientific program & abstracts
- Scientific sessions
- Attendance certificate
300 €
DELEGATE (SDRM non member)
if you want to become a sdrm member
Online Registration fee includes:
- Scientific program & abstracts
- Scientific sessions
- Attendance certificate
150 €
DELEGATE (as student)
Online Registration fee includes:
- Scientific program & abstracts
- Scientific sessions
- Attendance certificate
As an SDRM member (€ 50 regular membership - € 25 for students upon presentation of your student certificate), you are entitled to:
- reduced registration fees at any SDRM events
- access to the SDRM website reserved area with free download of proceedings, recordings, slides, videos and selected presentations of SDRM events.
As a student, you are kindly requested to send to a copy of your student certificate.
IMS 2024 REGISTRATIONS must be paid in EURO (€) through:
PAYPAL: from your paypal account, please send an e-mail with the corresponding amount for your Symposium registration to The payment should clearly state the name(s) of the delegate (s) and should clearly state: “SDRM IMS 2024”
BANK TRANSFER (please enclose a copy of bank receipt to SDRM Association at
Payment must be made out to SDRM - The payment transfer form should clearly state the name(s) of the delegate (s) and should clearly state: “SDRM IMS 2024”
Bank details: Société Générale - France
IBAN: FR76 3000 3019 6000 0500 7067 869 - BIC: SOGEFRPP
Upon receipt of payment, we will send you the corresponding invoice
Scientific contributions will be considered only for duly registered participants.
All cancellations must be sent to
For cancellations received before Wednesday, September 4th, 2024, midnight CET, refund will be made less € 25 for administrative costs. After this date, no refund will be possible.
Insurance and liability
SDRM does not accept any responsibility for personal injuries, or loss of, or damage to private belonging incurred to the symposium participants and accompanying persons. We advise participants to subscribe an adequate private insurance.